New in the gallery

Pier Paulo Pasolini
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie Italia; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

Morderca samotnych kobiet
Leichensache Zernik
Zernik Corpse Case
Helmut  Nitzschke
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie, NRD; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

Znikajacy punkt
Vanishing Point
Richard Sarafian
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie, US; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

Biale wilki
Weisse Wolfe
White Wolves
Konrad Petzold
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie, NRD; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

Fatalny dzien
Un certo giorno
One Fine Day
Ermanno Olmi
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie, Italia; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

Gwiazda Poludnia
The Southern Star
S. Hayers, O. Welles 
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie UK/FRA; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

Szerokosc geograficzna zero
Ido zero daisakusen
Latitude Zero
Ishiro Honda
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie, Japan; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

Andrzej Bertrandt
prom; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

Wkrotce nadejdzie wiosna
Male gazapkhuli mova
The Spring Comes Soon
Otar Abesadze
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie USRR; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

Z zimna krwia
In Cold Blood
Richard Brooks
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie US; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

Smierc komiwojazera
Death of Salesman
Arthur Miller
Jerzy Czerniawski
theater;  2019; size B1
price: 38 €

Reverse Psychology
Charles Ludlam
Ryszard Kaja
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 45 €

Pol Polski.  Czesc 2
A Half of Poland. Part 2
Ryszard Kaja
exhibition 2019; size B1
price: 45 €

Baba Chanel
Nikolaj Kolada
Ryszard Kaja
theater;  2012; size B1
price: 45 €

Martwe dusze
The Dead Souls
Nikolaj Gogol
Janusz Wisniewski
theater; 2014; size B1
price: 30 €

Par paranoje
Reverse Psychology
Charles Ludlam
Ryszard Kaja
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 45 €

Zmierzch bogow
The Damned
Luchino Visconti 
Wiktor Sadowski
theatre; 2009;  size B1
price: 38 €

Zaczarowana krolewna
The Sleeping Beauty
Artur Oppman
Maciej Hibner
theater; 2019; size B1
price: 30 €

Wyspa Marivaux
Marivaux Island
 Pierre de Marivaux
Wieslaw Walkuski
theater; 2014; size B1
price: 38 €

Wszystko szwindel
Everything is a Scam
M. Schiffer, M. Spoliansky 
Szymon Szymankiewicz
theater; 2023; size B1
price: 30 €

Wisniowy sad
The Cherry Orchard
Anton Chekhov (Czechow)
Wieslaw Rosocha
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 38 €

The Bounds
M. Buszewicz, J. Murawski 
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2018; size B1
price: 30 €

Wesole kumoszki z Windosru
The Merry Wifes of Windsor
Wiliam Shakespeare
Ryszard Kaja

theater 2015; size B1
price: 45 €

A. Fredro, F. Bohomolec
Roman Kalarus
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 30 €

Tresowane dusze
The Trained Souls
Gabriela Zapolska
Andrzej Klimowski
theater; 2015; size B1
price: 30 €

Swieto Winkelrida
The Winkelried Festival
J. Andrzejewski,
M. Cecko, J. Zagorski
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2018; size B1
price: 30 €

Smierc bialej ponczochy
The Death of a White Stocking
Marian Pankowski 
Wieslaw Walkuski
theater; 2008; size B1
price: 38 €

Slodki ptak mlodosci
Sweet Bird of Youth
Williams Tennessee
Wieslaw Walkuski
theater; 2008; size B1
price: 38 €

Skrzynk@ Pandory
Pandor@'s box
Billy Van Zandt, Jane Milmore
Andrzej Dudzinski
theater; 2012; size B1
price: 30 €

Blithe Spirit
Noel Coward 
Andrzej Krajewski
theater; 2013; size B1
price: 38 €

Radoslaw Paczocha
Ryszard Kaja
theater 2016; size B1
price: 45 €

Romeo i Julia is not Dead
Romeo and Juliet is not Dead
Wiliam Shakespeare
Emilia Kaminska
theater; 2023; size B1
price: 30 €

Wicked Sisters
Alma de Groen
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2018; size B1
price: 30 €

Randka z feminista
How to Date a Feminist
Samantha Ellis
Maciej Hibner
theater; 2017; size B1
price: 30 €

Raj dla opornych
Henry and Alice: Into the Wild
Michele Riml
Ryszard Kaja
theater 2015; size B1
price: 45 €

Punkt zero
Point Zero
Rados³aw Paczocha
Justyna Czerniakowska
theater; 2022/2023; size B1
price: 30 €

The Clean House
Sarah Ruhl
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2006; size B1
price: 30 €

Powarkiwania Drogi Mlecznej
Growling of the Milky Way
Bonn Park
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2021; size B1
price: 30 €

Poskromienie zlosnicy
The Taming of the Shrew
Wiliam Shakespeare
Anna Oparkowska
theater; 2008; size B1
price: 30 €

Podroze Guliwera
Gulliver's Tales
Jonathan Swift 
Vladislav Rostoka
theater; 2013; size B1
price: 38 €

On Foot
Slawomir Mrozek
Jerzy Czerniawski
theater; 2010; size B1
price: 30 €

Ingmar Bergman
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2010; size B1
price: 30 €

Pelnia szczescia
Perfect Happines
Peter de Baan, Charlesden Tex 
(Joanna Gσrska, Jerzy Skakun)
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 30 €

Pan Schuster kupuje ulice
Do Not Pass Go
Ulrike Syha 
Pawel Kaminski
theater; 2019; size B1
price: 30 €

Nora (dom lalki)
Nora (A Doll's House)
Henrik Ibsen 
Maja Wolna
theater; 2020; size B1
price: 30 €

Noc Iguany
The Night of the Iguana
Tennessee Williams
Maciej Hibner
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 30 €

The Invincible
Torben Betts 
Andrzej Klimowski
theater; 2019; size B1
price: 30 €

Ivan Vyrypayev (Wyrypajew)
Lex Drewinski
theater; 2021; size B1
price: 30 €

Moniuszko teatralny
Theatrical Moniuszko
Pawel Kaminski
exhibit; 2019; size B1
price: 30 €

Miasteczk G.
Little Town G.
Michal Walczak
Leszek Zebrowski
theater; 2008; size B1
price: 30 €

Mary Page Marlow
Tracy Letts
Maja Wolna
theater; 2017; size B1
price: 38 €

Maria Stuart
Mary Stuart
 Friedrich Schiller
Wiktor Sadowski
theater; 2014; size B1
price: 38 €

Joe Orton
Andrzej Krajewski
theater; 2009; size B1
price: 38 €

Featuring Loretta
George F. Walker
Michal Ksiazek
theater; 2008; size B1
price: 30 €

Little Pony
Paco Bezerra
Maciej Hibner
theater; 2018; size B1
price: 38 €

Lilla Weneda
Juliusz S³owacki
Franciszek Starowieyski
theater; 2021; size B1
price: 45 €

Kto sie boi Virginii Woolf?
Who's afraid
of Virginia Wolf?
Albee Edwart Albee
Franciszek Starowieyski
theater; 2015; size B1
price: 38 €

Ksiadz H.
czyli Anioly w Amsterdamie
Priest H.,
or Angels in Amsterdam
Marian Pankowski
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2009; size B1
price: 30 €

Ireneusz Iredynski
Ryszard Kaja
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 45 €

Komedia omylek
The Comedy of Errors
Wiliam Shakespeare`
Maciej Hibner
theater; 2007; size B1
price: 30 €

Stanislaw Moniuszko
Ryszard Kaja
operette; 2019; size B1
price: 38 €

Jak Wam sie podoba
As You Like It
Wiliam Shakespeare
Pawel Kaminski
theater; 2019; size B1
price: 30 €

Iwona, ksiezniczka Burgunda
Ivona, Princess of Burgundia
Witold Gombrowicz
Patrycja Longawa
theater; 2012; size B1
price: 38 €

Intymne leki
Private Fears in Public Places
Alan Ayckbourn 
Andrzej Klimowski
theater; 2006; size B1
price: 30 €

 The Intelligentsia
Marek Modzelewski
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2020; size B1
price: 30 €

Genialna epoka
The Brilliant Epoch
Brunon Schulz
Franciszek Starowieyski
theater; 2012; size B1
price: 38 €

(G)dzie-ci faceci?
Where Did the Men Go?
Adam Orzechowski
Ryszard Kaja
theater; 2012; size B1
price: 45 €

Jean Racine
Wiktor Sadowski
theater; 2019; size B1
price: 38 €

Faza delta
Delta Phase
Radoslaw Paczocha
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2012; size B1
price: 30 €

 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Jacek Staniszewski
theater; 2021; size B1
price: 38 €

Farsa z Walworth
The Walworth Farce
Enda Walsh 
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2007; size B1
price: 30 €

The Pharaoh
Boleslaw Prus
Mieczyslaw Wasilewski
theater; 2010; size B1
price: 30 €

Fahrenheit 451
R. Bradbury, M. Cecko
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 30 €

Eva Peron
Raul Damonte (Copi)
Andrzej Krajewski
theater; 2010; size B1
price: 38 €

Dwoch w Twoim domu
Two in Your House
Jelena Griemina 
Wojciech Korkuc
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 30 €

Damy i Huzary
czyli Play Fredro
Ladies and Husars
or Play Fredro
Aleksander Fredro
Maja Wolna
theater; 2018; size B1
price: 38 €

Czyz nie dobija siκ koni?
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
Horace Mcoy 
Andrzej Krajewski
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 38 €

Czarownice z Salem
The Crucible
Arthur Miller
Franciszek Starowieyski
theater; 2013; size B1
price: 38 €

Charlie bokserem
Charlie the Boxer
Charlie Chaplin
Piotr Cieplak
Wiktor Sadowski
theater; 2010; size B1
price: 38 €

Radoslaw Paczocha
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2014; size B1
price: 30 €

Bella Figura
Wieslaw Walkuski
theater, 2018; size B1
price: 38 €

Awantura w Chioggi
Le baruffe chiozzotte
The Chioggia Scuffles
Carlo Goldoni
Maciej Hibner
theater; 2021; size B1
price: 38 €

M. Macourek,
V. Vorlicek 
Bohdan Butenko
theater; 2012; size B1
price: 30 €

poster akt rowbolegly, bedside manners, ryszard kaja

Akt Rownolegly
Bedside Manners

Ryszard Kaja
theater; 2014; size B1
price: 45 €

poster faces-of-jazz patrycja-longawa

Moulin Rouge!
Patrycja Longawa
US; 2024R; size B1
price: 63 €

poster persona ingmar-bergman patrycja-longawa

Ingmar Bergman
Patrycja Longawa
movie SWE; 2024R; size B1
price: 63 €

poster roman holiday rzymske=ie wakcje patrycja-longawa

Rzymskie wakcje
Roman Holiday
Wiliam Wyler
Patrycja Longawa
movie US; 2024R; size B1
price: 63 €

poster sign of virgo, znak panny, starowieyski

Znak panny
Sign of Virgo
Manole Marcus
Franciszek Starowieyski
movie, Romania
1969; size A1
price: 650 €

Upior z Morrisville
Fantom Morrisvillu
The Phantom of Morrisville
Borivoj Zeman
Franciszek Starowieyski
movie, Czechoslovakia
1967; size A1
price: 450 €

Video Teatr LLT
Franciszek Starowieyski
theater; 1989; size B1
price: 100 €

Muzeum Historii Przemys³u
w Opatσwku
Franciszek Starowieyski
exhibition; 2005; size B1
price: 100 €

poster cossacks, kozacy, kazaki, franciszek-starowieyski

The Cossacks
Wasilij Pronin
Franciszek Starowieyski
movie, SOV; 1961; size A1
price: 375 €

poster expedition for green metal, wyprawa po zielony metal, starowieyski

Wyprawa po zielony metal
Expedition for Green Metal
Jerzy Jesionowski
Franciszek Starowieyski
theater; 1964; size

poster islan on the continent, wyspa na ladzie, starowieyski

Wyspa na ladzie
Sziget a Szarazfoldon
Island on the Continent
Judit Elek
Franciszek Starowieyski
movie, Hungary
1969; size A1
price: 300 €

poster witch in love, zakochana wiedzma, starowieyski

Zakochana wiedzma
La Strega in amore
The Witch in Love
Damiano Damiani
Franciszek Starowieyski
movie, Italia1968; size A1
price: 600 €


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If you have any questions regarding Polish posters please contact us:
Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska