biography and posters page 1 of 2

   Zebrowski's artworks are easily recognizable thanks to his individual style. Often monochrome, though not always black and white but also a combination of other colors with a large dominant motive that fills the entire surface of the design, they immediately attract the attention and stimulate the imagination of the spectator.
Leszek Żebrowski (b. 1950) - graduate of Szczecin Art College (Liceum Sztuk Plastycznych) and Gdansk Academy of Arts (Wyższa Szkoła Sztuk Plastycznych) Faculty of Graphic Design under the guidance of prof. Krechowicz. He is a very versatile artist. A painter as well as poster designer, theater set designer, book illustrator and cartoonist. His works include posters for theaters, festivals and galleries of Szczecin and Cracow (Poland), Berlin and Lübeck (Germany), illustrations for Glob Edition House, Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza (major Polish poster publisher 1960s - 80s) and Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych (National Art Exhibitions Bureau). Zebrowski is also an active art promotor who arranged numerous exhibitions and performances e.g. musical-artistic action ''Przyspieszenie'' (Acceleration). His works have been shown on more than 70 individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad.

Leszek Zebrowski posters:   1  2  .  prices

Miasteczk G.
Little Town G.
Michal Walczak
Leszek Zebrowski
theater; 2008; size B1
price: 30 €

Nasi najdrozsi
The Dearly Belovert
Philip Osment
Leszek Zebrowski
theater; 2010; size B1
price: 30 €

master and margarita

Mistrz i Małgorzta
The Master and Margarita
Leszek Zebrowski
theatre; 2012; size A1
price: 40 €

Upior w operze
Phantom of the Opera
Yeston M. Kopit A.
Leszek Zebrowski
theater; 1999; size B1
price: 45 €

Zdobycie bieguna poludniowego
The capture of the South Pole
Karge M.
Leszek Zebrowski
theater; size B1
price: 15 €

Międzynarodowe Forum Plakatu
International Poster Forum
Leszek Zebrowski
exhibition; size B1
price: 40 €

Laweczka; Bench
Gelaman A.
Leszek Zebrowski
theater; size B1
price: 25 €

Rajski ptak
Bird of Paradise
Leszek Zebrowski
price: 20 €

Spiewnik domowy Jana Kaczmarka
Leszek Zebrowski
theater; 2013; size B1
price: 25 €

Pulapka; Trap
Różewicz T.
Leszek Zebrowski
theatre; 2006; size B1
price: 20 €

Rysunki kresowe
Leszek Zebrowski
exhibition; 1995; size B1
price: 15 €

Za kurtyna
Behind the curtain
Leszek Zebrowski
promotion; 2004; size B1
price: 50 €

Leszek Zebrowski posters:   1  2  .  prices

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If you have any questions regarding Polish posters please contact us:
Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska
e-mail: warsaw@poster.com.pl