biography and posters page 1

   Wiktor Sadowski Born 1956 in Oleandry. In 1981 graduated of Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts (diploma under the supervision of prof. Tomaszewski). Specializes in posters and book illustration.
   Major awards: In 1984 received Gold Medal at 10th International Biennial of Posters in Warsaw; Awards "Best Poster of a Year 1985" and "1986" (Warsaw); Honorary Mention at 6th International Biennial of Posters in Lahti, Finland (1985); 1st and 2nd Prize at Theatre Poster Exhibition in Osnabruck, Germany (1987); Award of the Art Directors Club 69th Annual Exhibition in New York, USA (1990).

Wiktor Sadowski - posters:   1   2   3   4  .  pricelist

Hare D.
Wiktor Sadowski
movie; 1986; size B1
price: 60 €

Kronika wypadkow
A Chronicle of Amorous Accidents, A. Wajda
Wiktor Sadowski
movie; 1986; size B1
price: 100€

Vive les graphistes!
Wiktor Sadowski
exhibition; 1992
price: 75 €

XXIII  Międzynarodowy
Festiwal Filmow
XXIII International
Festival of Short Film
Wiktor Sadowski
promotion; 1986
price: 125 €

Portret Doriana Graya
Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde
Wiktor Sadowski
theater; 2008; size B1
price: 40 €

Czechow A.
Wiktor Sadowski
theater; 2013; size B1

Tance w Ballybeg
Dancing at Lughnasa
Friel B.
Wiktor Sadowski
theatre; 1993; size B1
price: 75 €

Zmierzch bogow
The Damned
Luchino Visconti 
Wiktor Sadowski
theatre; 2009;  size B1
price: 38 €

Galeria Plakatu 
w Krakowie
Poster Gallery in Cracow
Wiktor Sadowski
promotion; 1985; size B1
price: 70 €

Ale kino!
International Film Festival
Wiktor Sadowski

exhibition; 2005; size B1
price: 40 €

Charlie bokserem
Charlie the Boxer
Charlie Chaplin
Piotr Cieplak
Wiktor Sadowski
theater; 2010; size B1
price: 38 €

Wiktor Sadowski - posters:   1   2   3   4  .  pricelist

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For detailed information please contact us on:
Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska
e-mail: warsaw@poster.com.pl