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exhibition posters:   1  2  3  5 6

Z przeszlosci Mongolli
From the Past of Mongolia
Jerzy Czerniawski
exhibition; 1980; size B1
price: 75 €

Plakaty Gorzow
Poster Exhibition in Gorzow
Leszek Zebrowski
exhibition; 1996; size B1
price: 20 €

Alytus Daugai '97
Leszek Żebrowski
exhibition; 1997; size B1
price: 20 €

Poster - Expo
Mieczyslaw Gorowski
exhibition; 1984, 1990; size B1
price: 50 €

Blachy, caluny, obrazy
Leszek Zebrowski
exhibition; 1996; size B1
price: 20 €

Ceramika Doliny Kathmandu
Kościelniak C. Prosowska
exhibition; 1980; size B1
price: 45 €

100 lat Polskiej Sztuki
Plakatu, BWA Kraków
100th Anniversary of
Polish Poster Art
in BWA in Cracow

Wojciech Siudmak
exhibition; 1993
price: 75 €

Vive les graphistes!
Wiktor Sadowski
exhibition; 1992
price: 75 €

 XVII Międzyn.
 Biennale Exlibrisu 

exhibit; 1998
price: 30 €

Henryk Tomaszewski
wystawa / exhibition
Wieslaw Rosocha
exhibition; 1999; size B1
price: 30 €

Najlepszy plakat
The best poster
in Warsaw
Hubert Hilscher
exhibition; 1985; size B1
price: 125 €

Muzeum Historii Przemysłu
w Opatówku
Franciszek Starowieyski
exhibition; 2005; size B1
price: 100 €

poster supel malzenski, ryszard kaja

Cepelia. Najpiekniejsze dziela sztuki ludowej na odbudowe Zamku Krolewskiego
Cepelia. The Most Beautiful Works of Folk Art for
the Reconstruction of
the Royal Castle
Waldemar Swierzy
 exhibit; 1975; size B1
price: 113 €

O. Misek

exhibition; 2008?
size B1
 price: 40 €

Motivos espanoles en la obra
de Tadeusz Kantor
Spanish Motifs in the Work
of Tadeusz Kantor
Wiktor Sadowski
exhibition; 2002; size B1
price: 100 €

Pol Polski.  Czesc 2
A Half of Poland. Part 2
Ryszard Kaja
exhibition 2019; size B1
price: 45 €

exhibition posters:   1  2  3  5 6

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For detailed information please contact us on:
Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska
e-mail: warsaw@poster.com.pl