Political & propaganda
posters page 6 of 6

political and propaganda posters :  1  2  3  4  5  6

first to pight poland

Poland First to Fight
Marek Żuławski, 1939
propag; 2018R
; size: 50x75 cm
price: 23 €

jozef pilskudski

Józef Pilsudski Naczelnik Państwa i Naczelny Wódz, Pierwszy Marszałek Polski
Jozef Pilsudski Leader of Poland and Commander-in-Chief, the First Marschall of Poland
autor unknown, 1919
propag; 2018R; size B1
price: 23 €

to arms polish poster

Hej Kto Polan na Bagnety!!
All the Poles- Charge!

Kamil Mackiewicz, 1920
propag.; 2018R; size B1
price: 23 €


to arms polish poster

Do Broni. Wstępujcie do Armji Ochotniczej
To Arms! Join the Volunteer Army!
J. P., 1920

propag; 2018R; size B1
price: 23 €

join the army

Wstąp do Wojska Broń Ojczyzny
Join to the Army! Defend Your Fatherland!
Stanisław Siestrzeńczewicz,1920
propag; 2018R; size B1
price: 23 €

defend bolshevik

Bij Bolszewika
Defeat the Bolshevik
author unknown, 1920

propag.; 2018R;
size A1 
price: 23 €

political and propaganda posters :  1  2  3  4  5  6

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Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska
e-mail: warsaw@poster.com.pl