and posters page 1

   Jakub Erol was born in 1941 in Zamość, died on February 8th 2018. Graduate of Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, he did his diploma under the guidance of prof. Tomaszewski. Deals with the poster, theatre set design, book illustration. Winner of numerous awards for achevements in the area of poster. 

Jakub Erol - posters:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Spielberg S.
Jakub Erol
 movie, US; size B1
1984 - price: 1200 €
2017R -  price: 48 €

12 krzeseł
12 chairs
Zoltan Huszarik
Jakub Erol
 movie, Russia; size A1
price: 400 €

Ale kino!
Movie Movie
Donen S. Scott J.C.
Jakub Erol
 movie, US; 1980; size B1
price: 40 €

poster terminator elektroniczny-morderca jakub-erol

Elektroniczny mordeca
James Cameron
Jakub Erol
movie, US; 2017R; size B1
price: 48 €

300 mil do nieba
300 miles to heaven
Dejczer M.
Jakub Erol
 movie, Poland; 1989; size B1
price: 30 €

Aresztuje Cie Przyjacielu
Wanamaker S. Brynner Y.
Jakub Erol
 movie, US: 1975; size A1
price: 125 €

Bezkresne laki
Endless meadows
Solarz W.
Jakub Erol
 movie, Poland; 1977; size A1
price: 200 €

poster mayerling, erol

Terence Young
Jakub Erol
 movie, France; 1971; size A1
price: 300 €

Bez znieczulenia
Without anesthesia
Andrzej Wajda
Jakub Erol
 movie, Poland; 197?; size B1
price: 45 €

Bilans kwartalny
Komorowska M.
Fronczewski P.
Jakub Erol
 movie, Poland; 1974; size A1
price: 75 €

Bliskie spotkania
z wesolym diablem
Close encountres with
a cheerful devil
Łukaszewicz J.
Jakub Erol
 movie, Poland; 1989; size B1

Przyjaciel wesolego diabla
A friend of a Merry Devil
Łukaszewicz J.
Jakub Erol
 movie, Poland; 1986; size B1

Czarownice z Eastwick
Witches of Eastwick
Miller G. Nicholson J.
Cher, Sarandon S.
Pfeiffer M.
Jakub Erol
movie, US; 1989; size B1
price: 60 €

Dni zdrady
Dny zdrady I
Days of betrayal
Jakub Erol
movie; 1973; size A1
price: 375 €

Doczekac zmroku
Wait Until Dark
Young T., Hepburn A.
Jakub Erol
 movie, US; 1970, size A1
price: 200 €

Jakub Erol
theatre; 1984; size B1
price: 55 €

Jakub Erol - posters:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

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For detailed information please contact us on:
Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska
e-mail: warsaw@poster.com.pl