French movies:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

Charles Belmond
Marek Freudenreich
movie, 1972; size A1
price: 350 €

Mania Wielkosci
Folie des grandeurs, La
Oury G. De Funes,
Montand I.
Jerzy Flisak
movie; size A1
price: 250 €

Czlowiek orkiestra
L'Homme orchestre
Korber S. De Funes L.
Wiktor Gorka
movie; 1972; size A1
price: 375 €

Całe zloto swiata
All the Gold in the World
Bourvil, dir. R. Claire
Wiktor Gorka
movie; 1963; size A1
price: 350 €

W imie przyjazni
The Loner
Deray J. Belmondo J.-P.
Jakub Erol
movie; 1989; size B1
price: 88 €

Twardzi ludzie
Les Grandes Gueules
(Jailbirds' Vacation)
Enrico R. Bourvil
Ventura L.
Eryk Lipinski
movie; 1967; size A1
price: 135 €

The Crook
Trintignant J-L.
 C. Lelouch
Eryk Lipinski
movie; 1973; size A1
price: 150 €

Cop, Le (Ripoux, Le)
Zidi C. Noiret P.
Wieslaw Walkuski
movie; 1986; size B1
price: 40 €

Le locataire
Polański R., Adjani I.
Romuald Socha
movie; size A1
price: 300 €

Jean-Paul Le Chanois
Jacek Neugebauer
movie; 1965 size A1
price: 150 €

Milosc nad morzem
L'amour a la mer
Love by the sea
Gilles G. Thenier G.
Maciej Żbikowski
movie; 1970; size A1
price: 375 €

poster mad enough to kill, tak szalona ze moze zabic, rene mulas

Tak szalona, ze moze zabic
Folle a tuer
Mad Enough to Kill
Yves Boisset
Rene Mulas
movie; 1976; size A1 

price: 113 €

Zamek pulapka
Le Diable par la queue
Trap castle
de Brocca P.
Montand Y., Renaud M.
Marian Stachurski
movie; 1970; size A1
price: 300 €

Zwariowany weekend
Le Petit baigneur
Crazy weekend
Dhery R., deFunes L.
Marian Stachurski
movie; size A1
price: 300 €

poster animals, zwierzeta, ihantowicz mucha

Les Animaux
Rossie F.
Maria Mucha Ihnatowicz
movie; size A1
price: 350 €

Play time
Tatti J., Dennek B.
Jerzy Flisak
movie; 2016R, size A1
price: 48 €

poster Thousand Billion Dollars, zygmunt gornowicz

Tysiac miliardow dolarow
Mille milliards de dollars
A Thousand Billion Dollars
Henri Verneuil
Zygmunt Gornowicz
movie; 1986; size B1
price: 63 €

poster green room, chambre verte, j. c. nieto

Zielony pokoj
La Chambre verte
The Green Room

Francois Truffaut
Jaime Carlos Nieto
movie; 1979; size B1
price: 125 €

Milosna edukacja Walentego
L'Education amoureuse
de Valentin
Love Valentine's education
Mieczysław Wasilewski
movie; 1986; size B1
price: 200 €


Jacques Demy
Maciej Hibner
 movie; 1967; size A1
price: 875 €
2019R; price: 48 € 

French movies:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

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