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Konie Valdeza
The Valdez Horses
Sturges J. Bronson Ch.
De Laurentis D.
Jerzy Flisak
movie Spain/Italy/France
1973; size A1
price: 150 €

Winnetou wsrod sepow
Old Surehand
Vohrer A.
Andrzej Piwonski
movie; Yugoslavia
1966; size A1
price: 125 €

 Scout, Der
  Petzold K.
Andrzej Krzysztoforski
movie; Germany (East)
1983; size B1
price: 125 €

Na tropie soko³a
Spur des Falken
The Trail of the Falcon
 Gottfried Kolditz
Chmielewski W.?
East Germany/Soviet Union movie; 1972; size A1
price: 200 €

Lemoniadowy Joe
Lemonade Joe
Lipsky O.
Maciej Hibner
movie Czech; 1965;size A1
price: 375 €

Dzielny szeryf Lucky Luke
Lucky Luke
Goscinny R.
artist unknown
movie France/Belgium; 1974
size A1,
price: 625 €

Unkas ostatni Mohikanin
Last of the Mohicans, The
Gaspard-Huit P. Nicolaescu S.
Marek Mosinski
movie France/Romania; 1971
size A1,
price: 125 €

poster jeremiah, western, jacek neugebauer

Jeremiah Johnson
Pollack S. Redford R.
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, US; 1974; size A1
price: 200 €

mistrz rewolweru mucha

Mistrz rewolweru
Master Gunfighter
Tom Laughlin
Maria Mucha-Ihnatowicz
 movie US; 1977
size A1, 
price: 200 €

poster blue bird, porwany przez indian, danka

Porwany przez Indian
Blue Bird
Urlich Weiss
Danuta Baginska-
Andrejew (Danka)

movie East Germany;
1980; size B1
price: 38 €

poster how the west was won, jerzy treutler, western

Jak zdobyto Dziki Zachod
How The West Was Won
Ford J.
Jerzy Treutler
 movie US; 1965; size A1
price: 375 €

poster el-dorado jerzy-flisak

El Dorado
Howard Hawks
Jerzy Flisak
movie; 1973; size A1
price: 400 €

Znikajacy punkt
Vanishing Point
Richard Sarafian
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie, US; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

poster the good the bad and the ugly, dobry zly i brzydki, patrycja longawa

Dobry, zly i brzydki
Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Sergio Leone
Patrycja Longawa
movie, ITA/SPA/RFN
2023R; size B1
price: 63 €

Biale wilki
Weisse Wolfe
White Wolves
Konrad Petzold
Andrzej Bertrandt
movie, NRD; 2025R; size A2
price: 38 €

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Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska
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