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Udreka zycia
Hanoch Levin
Stasys Eidrigevicius
theatre; 2013; size B1
price: 30 €

Japonski klasyczny Teatr No
Classic japanese Theatre No
Wieslaw Rosocha
theater; 2005; size B1
price: 30 €

Syreny z Tytana
The sirens of Titan
Vonnegut Kurt
Stasys Eidrigevicius
theatre; 1983; size B1
price: 90 €

Pier Paolo Pasolini
Rubin W.
theater; 2010; size B1

price: 20 €

Orkiestra Titanic
The orchestra
of the Titanic
Bojczew Christo

Wiesław Wałkuski
theater; 2007; size B1
price: 25 €

John Gabriel Borkman
Ibsen H.
Jerzy Czerniawski
theater; 2006; size B1
price: 45 €

Zycie jest snem
Life is a dream
La Vida es Sueno
Calderon de la Barca
Andrzej Klimowski
theater; 2013; size B1
price: 38 €

poster ali baba and the forty thieves, ali baba i czterdziestu rozbojnikow, michal-klis

Ali-Baba i 40 rozbojnikow
Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves
Michal Kils

theater; 1979; size B1
price: 200 €

Magic Afternoon
Bauer W.
Andrzej Klimowski
theater; 1979; size B1
price: 120 €

Anioł zstapił do Babilonu
An Angel came down
to Babilon
Durrenmatt F.
Tomasz Bogusławski
theater; 2009; size B1
price: 20 €


Andrzej Krajewski
theather; 1968; size A1
price: 750

Nora (dom lalki)
Nora (A Doll's House)
Henrik Ibsen 
Maja Wolna
theater; 2020; size B1
price: 30 €

Pelnia szczescia
Perfect Happines
Peter de Baan, Charlesden Tex 
(Joanna Górska, Jerzy Skakun)
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 30 €

Ingmar Bergman
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2010; size B1
price: 30 €

The Clean House
Sarah Ruhl
Miroslaw Adamczyk
theater; 2006; size B1
price: 30 €

poster igraszki z diablem, grzegorz marszalek

Igraszki z diablem
Dalliance with the Devil
Jan Drda
Grzegorz Marszałek
theather; 1984; size B1
price: 63 €

Par paranoje
Reverse Psychology
Charles Ludlam
Ryszard Kaja
theater; 2016; size B1
price: 45 €

Seks dla opornych
Sexy Laundry
Riml Michele
Ryszard Kaja
theater; 2012; size B1
price: 45 €

Smierc komiwojazera
Death of Salesman
Arthur Miller
Jerzy Czerniawski
theater;  2019; size B1
price: 38 €

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