Biography and posters

Grzegorz Marszałek  Born in 1946 in Świnna. He studied at Graphic, Painting and Sculpture Department on Art Academy in Poznań, where in 1971 he obtained his diploma with honours under the guidance of Lucjan Mianowski and Waldemar Świerzy. He received the title of professor. Currently he is manager of Poster and Illustration Studio and Visual Communication Studio at School of Applied Arts in Szczecin. He presented his works at 18 individual exhibitions and 85 collective exhibitions, both at home and abroad. He received many awards and honors: New Gallery Medal lifetime achievement in Poznań (1977), a silver medal at the VIII International Graphic Biennale in Brno, the first prize in the field of graphics on the VII Festival of Fine Arts in Warsaw (1978), the 3rd prize for the poster in The Hollywood Reporter Competition in Los Angeles (1981), the jury award at the II International Poster Salon in Paris (1988), honourable mention at the XII International Poster Biennale in Warsaw.

Marszałek posters:

Harry Angel
Parker A., Rourke M.
De Niro R., Rampling Ch.
Grzegorz Marszalek
movie; 1988; size B1
price: 175 €

Smiertelnie mrozna zima
Dead of Winter
Penn A. Steenburger M.
Grzegorz Marszalek
movie; 1988; size B1
price: 75 €

Squitieri P., Cardinale C.
Grzegorz Marszałek
movie; size B1
1980 - price: 65 €
Reprint - price: 40 €

Superman III
Lester R. Reeve Ch.
Grzegorz Marszalek
movie; size B1
1983 - 750 €
2021R - price: 48 €


Wesole kumoszki z Windsoru
The Merry Wives of Windsor
Grzegorz Marszałek
theater; 2000; size B1
price: 30 €

Sejm kobiet
Grzegorz Marszałek
price: 110 €

R. Altman
Grzegorz Marszalek
movie; 1990; size B1
price: 240 €

Allen C., Hudson R.,
Farrow M.

Grzegorz Marszałek

movie; 1980; size B1
price: 90 €

plakat grozna banda, zakhvat, grzegorz marszalek

Grozna banda
Mukadas Makhmudov
Grzegorz Marszalek
movie; size B1; 1983
price: 100 €

poster witkaciana, grzegorz marszalek

Grzegorz Marszałek
theater; 1982; size B1
price: 100 €

poster polonia en el mundial grzegorz-marszalek

Polonia en el Mundial '82
Grzegorz Marszalek
 prom.; 1982; size B1
price: 250 €


Ale kino 1993
International  film festival
Grzegorz Marszałek
event; 1993; size A1
price: 75 €

  chinski syndrom marszalek

Chinski syndrom
China Syndrome
James Bridges
Grzegorz Marszalek
 movie;  1980; size B1

price: 75 €

  kasakder z przypadku marszalek

Kaskader z przypadku
Staunt Man
Richard Rush
Grzegorz Marszalek
 movie;  1979; size B1

price: 150 €

  chrystus zatrzymal sie w eboli - marszalek

Chrystus zatrzymal sie w Eboli
Cristo si e fermato a Eboli
Christ Stopped at Eboli
Francesco Rosi
Grzegorz Marszalek
 movie; 1981; size B1
price: 100

Smierc na zywo
Le morte en direct
Tavernier B.
Grzegorz Marszałek
movie; 1981; size B1
price: 175 €

poster igraszki z diablem, grzegorz marszalek

Igraszki z diablem
Dalliance with the Devil
Jan Drda
Grzegorz Marszałek
theather; 1984; size B1
price: 63 €

movie posters

theater posters

circus posters

music posters

other posters

artists index

poster books

poster gallery

sale information


For detailed information please contact us on:
Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska