Biography and posters

   Wieslaw Grzegorczyk Born in 1965 in Rzeszow. Polish visual artist and graphic designer, specializing in poster, corporate identity, heraldry, book design, medallic art. Associate Professor at the University of Rzeszów and at the East European State Higher School in Przemyśl. Studies at the Medical Academy and the Academy of Fine Art, both in Krakow. Nearly 100 printed posters, dozens of logos, coat-of-arms, book and periodical designs, one animated film. 21 individual graphic design exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Part in 190 group exhibitions in 39 countries, including most national and international biennial and triennial of poster. 

Grzegorczyk posters


Arrigo Boito
Wieslaw Grzegorczyk
opera; 1998; size B1
price: 25 €

Don Kichot
Cervantes, Minkus L.A.
Wieslaw Grzegorczyk
ballet; 2002; size B1
price: 25 €

Kwiaty Polskie
Polish Flowers
Tuwim J.
Wieslaw Grzegorczyk
theater; 1997; size B1
price: 30 €

Czesław Czaplinski
Portrety; Portraits
Wieslaw Grzegorczyk
exhibition; 1998; size B1
price: 25 €

Millennium Biskupstwa
Wieslaw Grzegorczyk
event; 1999; size A1
price: 20 €

Wieslaw Grzegorczyk
Plakate und Entwurfe
Wieslaw Grzegorczyk
exhibition; size B1
price: 30 €

Wieslaw Grzegorczyk
theater; 1998; size B1
price: 40 €

movie posters

theater posters

circus posters

music posters

other posters

artists index

poster books

poster gallery

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For detailed information please contact us on:
Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska
e-mail: warsaw@poster.com.pl