Posters page 10

gorka posters:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   .  prices

Teraz mozesz czyscic
You can tidy it now
Wiktor Gorka
work safety; 1957
size: 68 x 48 cm
price: 150 €

Czysc maszyne po
w calkowitym bezruchu
Tidy the machine only
after it stops
Wiktor Gorka
work safety; 1956
size: 68 x 48 cm
price: 150 €

W zasiegu ramienia
zurawia grozi
smierc lub kalectwo
Death or cripple
in a reach of the crane
Wiktor Gorka
work safety; 1954
size: 68 x 48 cm
price: 130 €

Poland invites you
to a fisherman's paradise!
Wiktor Gorka
promotion; 2015R; size B1

price: 30 €

gorka posters:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   .  prices

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