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All personal information you send to us is beeing used only to provide our services to you. We do not share, sale or lease any personal information with other companies.If you wish to be annouced about the news that we think you might want to know, please inform us by e-mail or use ''Subscribe here to receive updates'' Box you can find on majority of pages. You can cancel this service any time by sending an e-mail with word ''remove'' as subject.
From time to time, after major website upgrades, we send an information note to our customers who have bought the works of the artist whose pages have been updated. If you do not want to receive such information please send us an e-mail.
When we ask you for your credit card information, while buying posters or other services, we use it only to charge you for confirmed amount at that time. For your convenience, in case you want to order from us again without submitting your data anew, we protect this information by storing it in secure area unreachable through any Internet connection. You can remove this information from our database at any time by sending us your request.
If you have any questions regarding our website feel free to send us an e-mail at warsaw@poster.com.pl or use the contact page.
You can also call us daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. GMT at ++48 22 831 93 06.
Our snail-mail address and location is: Sklep-Galeria PTTK, Rynek Starego Miasta 23, 00-272 Warsaw, Poland